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Cherrell Thomas is a Certified Professional Counselor Supervisor. The CPCS credential is governed by the Licensed Professional Counselor Association of GA (LPCA-GA)


The licensing board requires supervision by a qualified clinician for all associate counselors (LAPC, MFT, LMSW) as they complete direct service hour prerequisites needed. This provides guidance and education as these new counselors develop a style all their own.  This is most often done in a group format but is also available for individual meetings. Complete the "contact us" form for more information and current schedule.


$150 per 1.5 hour individual meeting, or $75 per each 1.5 hour group meeting*

(prices subject to change along with the new Sept 2018 increased hours required by the licensing board)

*Click here for more information*




LPC Licensure Requirements

LCSW Licensure Requirements

LMFT Licensure Requirements

Click below for more information about supervision style and approach

Why use a Certified Professional 

Counselor Supervisor (CPCS)?

  • Professional Standards of Excellence. Using a CPCS-credentialed supervisor provides the supervisee with a supervisor whose education, experience, and ethical guidelines exceed those currently required by the state licensure board, giving future counselors the training to become exceptional Licensed Professional Counselors (LPCs).


  • Ethics Adherence. In addition to following the Code of Ethics required by law, Certified Professional Counselor Supervisors adhere to the CPCS Code of Ethics. These standards exceed the current state licensure requirements.

Contact me for more info or to schedule a consultation

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"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined"

- Henry David Thoreau

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